Alexandra Myers and Zachary Devita

The Opioid Epidemic: The Community Of Pasco County
The opioid epidemic is overwhelming Pasco County, Florida.

News•Special Reports•Video
The Opioid Epidemic: The Students of Pasco County
The number of opiod related deaths in Pasco County, Florida, is 30 percent higher than the state average.

Special Report: Midterm Elections 2018
Opioid Crisis Ignored In Florida’s Governor’s Race
As the opioid crisis continues to rage throughout the United States, states like Ohio, West Virginia and Pennsylvania are in the national spotlight. But for the two gubernatorial candidates in Florida, Rep. Ron Desantis and Dem. Andrew Gillum, the issue has remained largely silent. Angela Tennel, who lost her son to the epidemic and is now and advocate fighting the crisis, believes the topic needs to be addressed and handled immediately.