Multimedia (Page 13)

Art in the Park: The public and impermanent work of Tom Manco
The East Village artist’s installations have made an impact since they began appearing on a monthly basis in Tompkins Square Park.

Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus
Life returns to the East Village
But this year, warming weather combined with vaccine distribution has brought renewed energy to New Yorkers and it shows shows in the East Village at St. Marks and Astor Place.

Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus
Reopening for Ramadan
The month carries great significance for all Muslims.

Asian Adoptees Reflect on Adoption and Identity
For these adoptees, there are many more nuances within their upbringings and their journey toward self-acceptance.

Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus
And the band played on
Keeping the show going on amidst a pandemic

Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus
Floating for Free: COVID and the Staten Island Ferry
Throughout the pandemic, the ferry never stopped running,

Black men reflect on Chauvin verdict
Black men in Harlem discuss their alarming interactions with the NYPD and express that this victory, although crucial, is fleeting, when much more remains to be done. "

Despite Chauvin’s guilty verdict, activists will not stop fighting for justice
With the most recent police killings of people of color another wave of protest against police violence is beginning across the country.

New Yorkers react to Chauvin verdict
Some New Yorkers react with shock, relief, and cautious optimism.

Burmese Americans respond to the coup in Myanmar
Burmese Americans are asking for increased intervention and aid from the United States and struggling to remain connected to loved ones during targeted phone and internet blackouts in their home country.