
Multimedia (Page 24)

Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus

Michigan hair salons are back in business

Stylists are working a staggered schedule and only allow up to 10 people total in the salon at a time to minimize the spread of COVID-19. 

Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus

Seafood markets in China lose business over new COVID-19 scare

 About 1,200 miles away from Beijing, the reopening in Sichuan was promising. But the salmon cutting board news hits the seafood markets and restaurants hard.


Hong Kong’s national security law imposes the question: to flee or to stay?

A Hong Kong resident speaks on her fears.


Pepper spray, beatings and arrests was police response to protests

Using police brutality to shut down protests calling for an end to police brutality left kids as young as 15 and women as old as 45 caught in the crossfire.

Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus

My trip home during the pandemic

“I am taken onto an ambulance, without anyone explaining anything to me. I don’t know where it is taking me to.”


Artists share virtual support for Black Lives Matter protests

Created both by amateurs and professionals, a vast collection of artworks rapidly spread on social media with hashtags such as #blacklivesmatter, #georgefloyd, #icantbreathe, #saytheirnames and #BLM.


Protestors gather at 6 a.m. to fight for racial justice

Protestors gathered in the West Village at sunrise.


Inside CHAZ, Seattle’s Autonomous Zone

After two weeks of clashes between police and protestors throughout the city, Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best said law enforcement officers boarded up and left the East Precinct in "an exercise in trust and deescalation.”


Press freedom under siege as protests rock the nation

Journalists in the field reporting the protests are more likely to get assaulted or detained  by police.


Silent protests at McCarren Park

Greenpoint, Brooklyn residents hold nightly vigils in support of racial justice.