Multimedia (Page 85)
It’s better than organic — it’s biochar
A new breed of charcoal could be the answer to healthier food and more environmentally conscious agriculture.
Boutique offers clothing, training, hope
Bottomless Closet is a non-profit organization that helps disadvantaged women in New York and other cities with interview skills, career development and, most importantly, clothes.
National Pig Day
[flv: 320 240] Central Park Zoo’s pot-bellied pigs, Otis and Oliver, were not the only ones hamming it up on […]
Budget cuts hurt after-school programs
PS 64 receives funding from both the city and the state, but this past year, the program lost its state funding from the 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC).and as a result, the program lost of 80 of its 120 students and 21 of its 30 staff members.
Sample audio post
Listen to some excellent fiddle music. Pellentesque vel orci non eros fringilla vehicula id ornare ligula. Suspendisse pellentesque sollicitudin nisl eu dignissim. Praesent a libero mi.
Sample embedded video
Follow the zany antics, heart-wrenching drama, and high-flying adventures of senior citizen scooter racing.
City rat sightings, complaints are up
New York rats are Norway rats, though they are not from Norway, and they don’t have rabies, so Jay did not wake up the following morning with foam in her mouth. But their urine or feces can transmit seven-day fever or salmonella, two diseases that humans usually get when they work in close contact with rats, which is extremely rare in New York. In the worst case, symptoms are diarrhea, high fever or abdominal cramps. You will not get the plague either, which accounts for only 10 to 15 cases in rural areas in the U.S.
Sample slideshow
Aenean bibendum luctus orci in tristique. Donec sit amet orci leo, a lacinia lectus. Integer sit amet tristique velit. Sed eget augue purus, in commodo nulla. Fusce nulla erat, pretium a pellentesque dapibus, consequat eu velit. Proin eros nulla, auctor ut hendrerit eget, mollis eget dui.
Audio•Multimedia•Special Reports
A monk reaches out to the chinese community
The Venerable Benkong, a monk at Grace Gratitude Buddhist Temple at New York's Chinatown is helping the Chinese-American community to reduce the HIV/AIDS stigma by leading a project called 'one teaches ten , ten teach a hundred.'