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Special Report: Midterm Elections 2018
Volunteers Fuel Ocasio-Cortez’s Congressional Campaign
Passionate volunteers Bronx Democrat, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, underdog primary campaign to victory. She is expected to coast to victory on Election Day.

Special Report: Midterm Elections 2018
Opioid Crisis Ignored In Florida’s Governor’s Race
As the opioid crisis continues to rage throughout the United States, states like Ohio, West Virginia and Pennsylvania are in the national spotlight. But for the two gubernatorial candidates in Florida, Rep. Ron Desantis and Dem. Andrew Gillum, the issue has remained largely silent. Angela Tennel, who lost her son to the epidemic and is now and advocate fighting the crisis, believes the topic needs to be addressed and handled immediately.

Protesters respond to Trump’s plan to define gender
Protesters gathered at City Hall in response to the Trump administration’s plan to exclude transgender and nonbinary people from its legal definition of gender.

NY People: The Duck Man
Takahito “TK” Nakamura went from losing his family as a child to traveling around the world in an attempt to make people smile. TK has transformed himself into the Duck Man to showcase his love of music and brighten as many peoples days as he can with only a set of drums and a duck costume. He can be seen throughout New York City, primarily in Times Square Station.

NYC People: Dina Leor, La Sirena Mexican Folk Art
Dina Leor spoke on the joys and hardships of running her Mexican folk art store, nestled in the heart of […]

Celebrating Indigenous People on Randall’s Island
Hundreds of people gathered at Randall’s Island to celebrate Indigenous People’s Day instead of Columbus Day.

Women rally to express outrage at Kavanaugh confirmation

Hours after Kavanaugh confirmation, hundreds protest in NYC

Families of fatal police shootings want their voices heard
"We need a movement where everyone can say, just stop, it needs to stop."

Drag Kid in NYC
Desmond Napoles,10, started dressing in drag when he was two years old.