Thomas Hengge

Special Report: America Votes
New York celebrates historic win
Thousands took to the streets all over the five boroughs and across the US to celebrate the news, which came as a huge sigh of relief to millions after a tense week of unrest onset by delayed election results.

New Yorkers peacefully protest the grand jury verdict in the Breonna Taylor case
Despite pressure from the public for months following Taylor's shooting, an EMT shot dead as she slept in her bed during a botched warrant execution, all but one officer is being charged—and not for murder.

RBG mourned in New York City
A band played, people danced, chanted, and cheered as others left flowers and pictures of Ginsburg.

Black Lives Matter painted in front of Trump Towers
Among the painters, the de Blasio, his wife, and Rev. Al Sharpton, a prominent voice in the fight against police brutality and systemic oppression.

Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus
Cutting through COVID
Some barbers make house calls.

Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus
The East Village is open! Well, sort of
Now that phase one of reopening has commenced, the vice grip of fear Covid-19 had on the city seems almost a thing of the past, at least for the people on East Ninth Street

Pepper spray, beatings and arrests was police response to protests
Using police brutality to shut down protests calling for an end to police brutality left kids as young as 15 and women as old as 45 caught in the crossfire.

Silent protests at McCarren Park
Greenpoint, Brooklyn residents hold nightly vigils in support of racial justice.

George Floyd’s brother leads a memorial service in Brooklyn
“I am proud of the protests, but I am not proud of the destruction,” said Floyd.

City protests ebb and flow from solidarity to a war zone
As day turned to night, peaceful protests turned to looting, a common theme.