Multimedia (Page 19)

International students may choose other countries to study, if Trump is reelected

Special Report: America Votes
Election Day
On Election Day , voters not only casted their ballot, but made their presence known by encouraging others to vote […]

Special Report: America Votes
In 2020, Election Day may rhyme with unrest. At least, that’s what officials fear
On the morning of Election Day, the atmosphere was so calm in the city that we could hear jigsaws cutting plywood boards and hammer blows.

Special Report: America Votes
Poll worker keeps it moving
Their small team is a diverse one.

Diverse Latino voters are making their presidential choice this election
The size and diversity of the Latino community makes it hard for any candidate to ignore them.

New York voters express their hopes and fears for the 2020 Election
Many feel it’s a do or die situation.

Philadelphia embraces early voting
Philadelphians are voting in record numbers.

Stakes are high for young women in the presidential election
The future looks uncertain for young women Democratic voters as election day nears.

NY People: Artist, Joyce Ziyuan Jin
Joyce Ziyuan Jin is an illustration student at the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan.

NY People: A Sewing Story
Amanda Seal loves to sew.