New York began its third day of protests with demonstrations across the city in the early afternoon.
In Harlem, demonstrators met in front of the Adam Clayton Powel Jr. State Office Building on W. 125th St. From there, the group took a short march around Central Harlem. And then the first standoffs began in front of the 28th Precinct.
From there, the demonstrators walked to the Henry Hudson Parkway. Taking the southbound on-ramp at W. 125th St., they quickly filled the road. Many drivers honked and waved in support as the demonstrators criss crossed between lanes to mitigate the disruption of traffic. The demonstrators marched off the highway at 96th street, walking to Washington Square Park to meet with other demonstrators. After a brief interlude where organizers spoke to the crowd, the demonstrators moved again, moving south to the Lower East Side before hooking back around to Union Square Park.
It was during this section of the march where tensions rose. Police in riot gear greeted passing demonstrators as they walked from Delancey Street to Union Square Park, and verbal confrontations became more frequent. Buildings and police vehicles were vandalized around Astor Place, with one police van damaged by a smoke bomb. As groups from across the city coalesced in Union Square Park, things quickly escalated. Clashes with police occurred across downtown Manhattan through the night.
More demonstrations are expected across the city today.

Protester watching from atop the Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Memorial in Harlem. Photo by Daniel Girma

Police form a line in front of the 28th Precinct in Harlem. Photo by Daniel Girma

Demonstrators sit and chant on W. 125th St. May 30, 2020. Photo by Daniel Girma

Demonstrators march to the Henry Hudson Parkway. May 30, 2020. Photo by Daniel Girma

Demonstrators close the Henry Hudson Parkway near W. 125th Street. May 30, 2020. Photo By Daniel Girma

Two demonstrators are arrested on the Henry Hudson Parkway in the Upper West Side. Photo by Daniel Girma

Demonstrators gather in Washington Square Park after the long walk from Harlem. May 30, 2020. Photo by Daniel Girma

A police officer and demonstrator argue in the Lower East Side. May 30, 2020. Photo by Daniel Girma

A demonstrator vandalizes a window near Union Square Park. May 30, 2020. Photo by Daniel Girma

A police officer ushers demonstrators away from a vandalized police van. May 30, 2020. Photo by Daniel Girma

A police van vandalized by demonstrators. May 30, 2020. Photo by Daniel Girma