Full Archive (Page 112)

Hurricane Sandy anniversary remembered with protests
Five years after Hurricane Sandy, New Yorkers take to the streets to protest climate change.

Stroke, brain and spine injury survivors perform on World Stroke Day
Patients at Mount Sinai Hospital celebrated life and overcoming injuries on World Stroke Day,

Stroke Victims Dance on World Stroke Day
Stroke patients, survivors, and patients with other disabilities perform a slew of dance routines in celebration of World Stroke Day.

NY People: Kristin Bertrand, Woodwind Workshop

NY People: Erika Moncada, Hula Hooper

#MeToo Say Participants at Domestic Violence Awareness Event

Protesters rally against statue celebrating gynecologist who experimented on slaves
The 5th Avenue statue on J.Marion Sims celebrates a man who tortured slave women with gynecological experiments, protestors say.

Mental illness explored in film festival
he film genres range from documentaries, fiction, animation and autobiographical stories.

“Muslim Ban” and bigotry unite protestors
For some, the ban is a reflection of the tendency to attach Muslims to the stigma of terrorism. For others, national security prevails over human rights.

Uncertainty for Korean Americans as rhetoric between Trump and Kim Jong-un escalates
With the unpredictable nature of both leaders, many Korean Americans have been left to merely speculate about possible outcomes.