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News•Special Reports
Haiti Earthquake: Wiring money in Flatbush
Family and friends of the victims have been trying to send money, though it has not been easy.
Features•Special Reports
Haiti Earthquake: A store owner tries to help
Yvens Brizard, a native of Haiti, plans to travel to Haiti in the next couple of days to aid an orphanage, where more than 150 children are starving.
Slideshows•Special Reports
Haiti Earthquake: ‘I lost my family’
After recently losing his wife to diabetes, Gaspard Lynch lost his family and business in the Haiti earthquake.
Brooklyn tenants fight management firm
Tenants of 266 Washington Avenue are fighting increasingly nasty battles against Dermot Management Company, the firm that manages their building. They allege the company practices “predatory equity.”
Homeless enclave hides along Jersey cliff
Carmen Maysonet won her slice of the skyline the hard way. She became homeless for the first time a year ago, and she now resides among a hidden community of cliff dwellers on land bordering Jersey City, Union City and Hoboken.
Woodhaven brokers feel pinch of the economy
The stock market fell last September, but losses for realty brokers began years before, starting in 2006. Real estate brokers and firm owners in the Woodhaven, Queens, area have felt a decrease of more than 65 percent of sales.
Yorkville pantry helps hungry New Yorkers
As many New York families prepare to celebrate the holiday season, a stagnant national economy means less money to put food on the table. In New York City alone, the jobless rate has hit 10 percent.
Subway musicians embrace unconventional performance
While subway musicians view themselves as playing outside the box, they have a hierarchy all their own.

Educators reach out to children of all abilities
Three women started their own independent school, named The Ideal School. Dedicated to creating an inclusive learning environment, co-founders worked with education experts to balance the needs of all children.
Reading woes continue to plague city schools
Not one student in Klein’s class is reading on the appropriate grade level. Fewer than half of the students at Marta Valle will graduate. Klein attributes the continuing deterioration of New York City public education to misguided reform.