
Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus
Coronavirus tears through the Navajo Nation
It has the third-highest infection rate in the United States behind New York and New Jersey, and a per capita infection rate 10 times higher than Arizona.
Special Report: Election 2012
Upcoming Election Provokes Anxiety for Trans Voters
A recent study released warned of potential disenfranchisement that could occur for at least 25,000 transgender voters in states with strict photo identification requirements.
Multimedia•Slideshows•Special Reports
The Border Project: The Thin Line
Longtime residents from Nogales, Mexico, react to recent changes along the Arizona-Mexico border.
Special Reports•Video
The Border Project: Defying danger, immigrants flow into U.S.
Elisa Lagos reports from the Mexico/Arizona border trail.
Features•Special Reports
The Border Project: “Minuteman movement” at crossroads
The civilian border patrol movement is at a crossroads.
Features•Special Reports
The Border Project: Border wall harms environment, some say
The border fence has disrupted animal migration patterns and caused flooding.
Politics•Special Reports
The Border Project: ‘Anchor baby’ law stirs controversy
New law proposes no birth certificates to children of the undocumented.
Slideshows•Special Reports
The Border Project: Wrangling the border
After local rancher Robert Krentz was killed on his property in Arizona, efforts to increase border security have improved, many ranchers say.
Slideshows•Special Reports
The Border Project: Guarding the line
Former Special Agent Lee Morgan talks about ranchers by the Arizona-Mexico border.
Special Reports•Video
The Border Project: Latinos against illegal immigration
Not all Latinos support illegal immigration. Amanda Van Allen reports from Nogales and Tempe, Arizona.