Sydney Fishman (Page 2)

Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus
Food businesses struggles during pandemic
The New York City food service industry has been hit hard by the Coronavirus pandemic.

Spring Days in the Dead of Winter

Special Report: New Hampshire Primary 2020
More Black Voters are with Bernie
After watching Joe Biden stumble, some Black voters are flocking to Senator Bernie Sanders, who they believe is a better choice for their community.

Special Report: Florida Crossroads
The end of DACA looms over undocumented young people
Sydney Fishman spoke with DACA student Stef, who is living in South Florida and fears that she will be deported after the upcoming hearing in The Supreme Court that will decide the fate of DACA recipients throughout the country.

The Supreme Court holds DACA hearing
The Supreme Court held a hearing on DACA yesterday to decide the fate of 700,000 people who bought to this […]

Some Little Italy’s families can’t get next generation to join them
The generations of families that have been the foundation of the neighborhood is thinning

For families of the 9/11 victims, the pain never ends
When this day comes, it’s right back to that day. Like 18 years never passed.”