Features (Page 22)

Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus
Getting married during COVID-19
A global pandemic can't stop weddings.

Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus
Boston springs slowly back to life
Unlike New York, the stranglehold the coronavirus had on the city is noticeably loosening its grip.

Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus
A dictatorship called COVID-19
The city that never sleeps is in deep slumber.

Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus
Covid-19 takes away the communal joy at Eid-al-Fitr celebration
Sunday’s prayers in the Mosque were the first in nearly three months with attendees.

Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus
Beloved old school game sees boom in numbers during coronavirus quarantine
The online pastime is one of the many games that boomed in popularity over the last month due to coronavirus stay-at-home measures, seeing an increase of almost 50 percent in the number of online players.

Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus
Coronavirus leaves the fate of some beloved New York events uncertain
Thousands of events have been cancelled or rescheduled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the fate of many others is still uncertain.

Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus
Churchgoers find spiritual growth through virtual services
In a time where social distancing is needed to curb the spread of coronavirus, Lachlan and many other Christian churchgoers must now kindle spiritual community over a computer.

The Evolution of the Big Apple Chorus
The barbershop chorus is changing.

Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus
“I’m working with COVID patients tonight”
My mom normally treats people addicted to drugs, and since the virus outbreak, she also attends to medical-surgical patients. This was her first day treating coronavirus victims.

Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus
Singles connect on Tinder to fight quarantine blues
Bordeaux has been matching with people from all over the globe since Tinder made its Passport feature free last month to help singles combat loneliness during the coronavirus pandemic.