Features (Page 79)
Features•Special Reports
The Border Project: Deported man plans to cross again
Jose Estrada was deported five days ago and will try to cross the border again.
Features•Special Reports
The Border Project: Deportation might separate man from wife, life in U.S.
Martin and his wife, Alex, left Mexico in 2000. Now Martin faces possible deportation in several months.
Group uses theater to promote peace
One group seeks to promote peace through public readings and performances of literature from around the world.
Adopt a geranium
This event, which is part of Downtown Alliance’s larger Going Green Downtown initiative, provided free geraniums to anyone who lives in, works in or visits lower Manhattan, according to a press release from Downtown Alliance.
Graffiti group memorializes the dead
Bronx group spray paints murals to memorialize the dead.
Bronx morticians cope with humor
After days filled with burned, stabbed, shot and decapitated bodies, some Bronx morticians cope by maintaining a sense of humor.

Domestic abuse survivor gives back
Wanda Roman, who escaped an abusive relationship, now counsels other domestic violence survivors.
Justice sought for death of Brooklyn man
Family and friends of a mentally ill man who died in 2008 after he was Tased by an NYPD officer held a candlelight vigil this week.
At religious festival, freak show opens
Nestled between a sausage stand and a cannoli cart, a freak show tent at a downtown festival draws small crowds.
Some mark 9/11 with cold beer, fond memories
O'Hara's Restaurant and Pub near Ground Zero doubles as local watering hole and 9/11 memorial site.