
Multimedia (Page 57)


Drones in New York City

Pilotage, a Midtown Manhattan hobby shop sells off the shelf models like this one daily as drones have become more […]


Morning bootcamps create bonds in big city

Smiles and anguish as The Rise members hold a wall sit in unison. Photo Credit: Ben Shapiro On top of […]


Organic donut truck in the city

The Carpe Donut truck brings their organic apple cider donuts to hungry New Yorkers.


Mourners attend Akai Gurley’s funeral

Akai Gurley, was shot by a rookie police officer in a dark stairwell at the Louis H. Pink Houses in East New York, Brooklyn.


Voices from Strand Bookstore

Customers of the iconic Strand Bookstore in the East Village talk about what they love about the store.


Union Square Holiday Market

An audio postcard from the Union Square Holiday Market.


African American parents protest Garner decision

African American parents join protestors in asking for justice in the aftermath of the grand jury decision not to indict the police officer who killed unarmed Eric Garner when attempting to arrest him for selling loose cigarettes.


Ferguson protest in Union Square

Shortly after Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson was not indicted for the murder of unarmed teenager  Michael Brown, hundreds of protestors gathered in Union Square to voice their anger at the grand jury decision.

Special Report: Midterm Elections 2014

What New Yorkers are thinking on the eve of Election Day

New Yorkers give their thoughts on the upcoming elections.

Steven Brams

Special Report: Midterm Elections 2014

What you need to know about third party candidates

by Thom Friend Occupy Wall Street and the People’s Climate March; two movements that brought hundreds of thousands from around […]