
News (Page 65)


Hurricane Sandy victims mark 5 year anniversary with rally for climate justice

Sandy victims and others marched for climate change on the 5th anniversary of the hurricane which, claimed 117 lives and caused $75 million in damages.


Obamacare Enrollment opens with a rally at Harlem Hospital Center

The enrollment period for the Affordable Care Act opened and health care advocates say getting the word out is key.


Terror Strikes Lower Manhattan Once Again

Eight were killed and 11 injured when a 29-year-old man plowed a truck through a crowded bike path in Lower Manhattan. It was the deadliest terrorist attack since 9/11.


Hurricane Sandy anniversary remembered with protests

Five years after Hurricane Sandy, New Yorkers take to the streets to protest climate change.


#MeToo Say Participants at Domestic Violence Awareness Event


“Muslim Ban” and bigotry unite protestors

For some, the ban is a reflection of the tendency to attach Muslims to the stigma of terrorism. For others, national security prevails over human rights.  


Uncertainty for Korean Americans as rhetoric between Trump and Kim Jong-un escalates

With the unpredictable nature of both leaders, many Korean Americans have been left to merely speculate about possible outcomes.


Rabbis Rally for Immigrants

The protest took place on the start of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot which symbolizes vulnerability.


Thousands rally against racial injustice

Under the banner of “racial justice,” demonstrators drew connections between the struggles faced by people of color locally in New York City and the actions of the federal government, especially those of the last week.


Bronx Latinos support Puerto Rican and Mexican disaster victims

Southern Boulevard was filled with donations.