
Special Report: New Hampshire Primary 2020
Democrats have a plan for the Opioid Crisis. Yet Trump tells the story many Americans want to hear
A total of 67,367 people died from drug overdoses in 2018, according to the Center For Disease Control And Prevention. That same year, New Hampshire had an age-adjusted rate of 35.8 deaths per 100,000 persons, close to double the national average of 20.7.

Special Report: New Hampshire Primary 2020
Thriving while Sober in A Drug Crippled Industry
New Hampshire is in the midst of an addiction crisis that is now a front-and-center issue in the Democratic primary here.

News•Special Reports•Video
The Opioid Epidemic: The Students of Pasco County
The number of opiod related deaths in Pasco County, Florida, is 30 percent higher than the state average.