
Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus
Small business owners hope for future relief
As of September 23, about one-third of the city’s restaurants and more than one-half of its bars have closed.

Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus
Generational shifts and pandemic lead to struggles for Chinese restaurants
The younger generation has dreams that does not include running the family Chinese restaurant.

Hudson Diner is Closing
After 23 years in the West Village, Babu Fullsink’s cash register at the Hudson Diner will go silent at the end of the month. He decided to close because he was getting older and couldn’t keep up with the physical demands of restaurant work.

Walter’s Antique Clock Shop is Closing
After 20 years, high rent, is forcing the beloved the Greenwich Village clocks shop to close.

Catholic schools struggle to survive
The schools have seen a major decline in enrollment that has forced them to close.
Bagel shop closure could mean more Upper West Side development
After the recent closing of the popular H&H Bagels on W. 80th St. and Broadway, area residents now worry about the commercialization of the Upper West Side.