Astrid Hacker

News•Special Reports•Video
NY Primary: Young Voters for Bernie
Young voters give their thoughts on the Democratic candidates. They choose Bernie.

Artists get priced out of rising NYC rents
Rents have risen and so have the cost of artist studios.

Features•Special Reports
New York City Marathon: Harlem
Armed with a cowbell in one hand, she screamed advice to the runners that were slowed down by leg cramps and encouragement to those weary from the run as they pushed on.

NY People: Taiwan Norris, Choir Singers Heads to Carnegie Hall
Singer Taiwan Norris, practices at the Riverside Church in Harlem, NY in preparation for his Carnegie Hall debut.

“Fat Guy Across America” pedals to New York City
The Danville, Ind native has since lost 75 pounds and plans to continue pedaling his way to fitness.

Live Blog
GOP CNN Debate: Republicans battle for 3 hours
Jake Tapper opened the debate with a heated question...