Eli Kurland

A Muslim NYC Cab driver digests the immigration ban
Listen to an an NYC yellow cab driver who is a Muslim immigrant grapple with his developing view of what life in America is becoming for him and his family.

Williamsburg, Brooklyn: The Way it Was
Hip Williamsburg used to be an Italian haven.

Features•Special Reports
NYC Marathon: Tears of Joy at The Finish Line
She completed the event with the closest time to exactly 10 hours, coming in at 10:00:12.

Shep Gordon, talent manager to the top chefs, shares his unconventional story
The first entertainment earthquake Gordon caused was the global mainstreaming of shock rock in the late ‘60s, via his young client Alice Cooper.

The first faculty “lockout” in history ends.
But a new contract is not in place.

Features•News•Special Reports
The 9/11 truth from the “Truthers”
Their main allegation is that the Twin Towers and Tower 7 collapsed from a controlled demolition, and the plane crashes were just a diversion.