midterm elections

Special Report: Midterm Elections 2018
For Democrats, a Mixed Success in 2018 Midterms
Tuesday’s midterm elections were not the stinging rebuke of the Trump Administration that Democrats had been hoping for. The […]

Special Report: Midterm Elections 2018
LGBT Community Rally For Voters Who Support Their Community
LGBT community are under attack by the Trump Administration who wants to narrowly define gender as male or female.

Special Report: Midterm Elections 2018
Midterm Elections Could Shape the Future of Criminal Justice in New York
At the age of 22, Kalief Browder hanged himself at his mother’s home in the Bronx. Browder suffered from depression […]

Special Report: Midterm Elections 2018
Healthcare Motivates Voters in Georgia
Heath insurance has been a huge issue on both sides across the country in the 2018 Midterm elections. In Georgia, both gubernatorial candidates have campaigned on solving health coverage in very different ways.

Special Report: Midterm Elections 2018
Youth Voters Driven To Polls by a Variety Of Issues
Editor – Sam Eagan, Producer/Host – Zachary DeVita Reporters – Alexandra Myers, Li Cohen, Julia Lee, Caroline Skinner, Zachary DeVita […]

Special Report: Midterm Elections 2018
Florida’s opioid crisis forgotten in heated governor’s race
Angela Tennell keeps a photo of her son David Neering, who died of a drug overdose in 2016 after years […]

Special Report: Midterm Elections 2014
Midterm elections bring fear to the undocumented
Undocumented immigrants understand that midterm elections can be even more important than the presidential election.

Special Report: Midterm Elections 2014
Voting not a priority for NYU students
Since 1964, young voters ages 18-24 have consistently voted at lower rates than other age groups.

In an election year Superstorm Sandy still a political issue on Staten Island
by Megan Jamerson and Neil Giardino Staten Island is only a short ferry ride south of Manhattan, but when it […]

Special Report: Midterm Elections 2014
The homeless vote
Homeless voters and their advocates talk about the upcoming elections.