women (Page 2)

Protesters rally against statue celebrating gynecologist who experimented on slaves
The 5th Avenue statue on J.Marion Sims celebrates a man who tortured slave women with gynecological experiments, protestors say.

#MissingDCGirls exposes lack of attention on missing girls and women of color
The viral hashtag was false but a disproportionate amount of women and girls of color go missing each year. And it's under reported.

Awareness of Wage Gap Compels Women to Speak Out for Equal Pay
Despite recent unanimous support from politicians, some think that the wage gap continues to persist because women choose fields that pay less than men, such as early childhood-education and psychology versus STEM fields.

Building a life after prison
After spending 23 months in prison, Kim Morris is now an aspiring entrepreneur.

Tom Tom helps female drummers keep the beat
At the core of everything, the Tom Tom Academy looks to expose as many people to drumming as they can.

Sister Missionary
A change in policy has set off ripples of transformation in the Mormon Church.
Alexander Kiton: Pick up artist
Full time financier by day, dating coach on nights and weekends. Kiton is determined to share his romantic tactics with the bachelors of America and beyond.
Female comedians face unique challenges
"Making it big" can be challenging for any comedian. But many women say they have it tougher than their male counterparts.
Features•Special Reports
GOP Primary: War on women
On Primary Day, a panel of feminists discuss women's issues.
Some women at Occupy Wall Street struggle with security and being heard
As the movement grows women protestors have their own issues with surviving and thriving at Zuccotti Park