Ellie Miao

Agan Town: Fifteen years after coal mining ends
This documentary navigates the living conditions of the remaining town residents.

Youthtroup brings Peking opera to NYC
Youthtroup connects young people in New York to the culture and unique sound of Peking opera.

Ida Tanujaya, undocumented worker, wife and mother
For 17 years she has worked 12 hours a day, 6 days a work in Philadelphia's Chinatown.

Poorest of Chinese immigrants live in tiny cubicles
No private bathroom, no kitchen and no stove make daily life very hard

Multimedia•News•Special Reports•Video
Blizzard 2015: Sunset Park
Disabled and jobless, he makes money by singing upbeat ballads and playing his accordion every morning in his neighborhood.

Chinese students buy in the US, but sell in China to support themselves
The Chinese government imposes tariffs on certain imported goods, so the retail prices are much higher in China than here. Some e students saw the opportunity and buy goods here and sell them to China at a markup.

Images of Protest
Hundreds of New Yorkers hit the streets in protest after the news that Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson would not face charge in the death of unarmed teen, Michael Brown.

Features•Special Reports
NYC Marathon: 9/11 Memories at the Queensboro Bridge
The terror didn't end her enthusiasm to attend marathons in New York City. She is confident about the resilience of New Yorkers.

Alma Realty’s Brooklyn tenants protest against proposed rent hikes
Brooklyn borough president Eric Adams at a rally against proposed rent hikes at the Jewish Hospital Crown Heights apartment complex. […]