Reuben Jones

Catholic schools struggle to survive
The schools have seen a major decline in enrollment that has forced them to close.

Group pushes for halal food in NYC schools
NYC schools don’t offer a certified halal food option.

Possible new holidays for NYC schools
The New York Department of Education will consider adding more scheduled school holidays.

Sales of fro-yo dip as city settles into deep freeze
The wait for a customer can sometimes be long.

New law upsets young smokers in New York
Mayor Michael Bloomberg signed into law in October a bill that prohibits New Yorkers under the age of 21 from purchasing cigarettes.
Live Blog
Christie for governor or president?
Presidential election chatter seems to start earlier and earlier every election cycle, but before the current New Jersey governor has even been reelected, people are asking whether he will be joining the 2016 race.

Special Reports
NYC Marathon: Snapshots from Park Slope
This is the part of the race where runners start to lose some of the initial nervousness and begin to start “hitting their stride.”
Paul Mole´Barber Shop
The Paul Molé Barber Shop has been in the Upper East Side since 1913. The shop offers haircuts, shaves, manicures and even hair coloring.
“One world, one taste, one knish.”
The Yonah Schimmel Knish Bakery in the Lower East Side has been selling knishes since 1910.
Veterans job fair helps vets find a career
The Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) and Advertising Week put on the fair, which featured around 20 employers.