Ugonma Ubani-Ebere

NY Primary: Women and Hillary Clinton
Women give the pros and cons of a Hillary presidency.

The economic crisis in Puerto Rico impacts NYC
Many Puerto Ricans are fleeing the island, and migrating to America’s major cities like Florida and New York, to escape the hardships of the economic crisis.

Features•Special Reports
New York City Marathon: East Harlem
This year for her first marathon, Glyptis and his daughters have been following Marilena at every stop possible to encourage her every step of the way.

The Fukushima Kids Summer Camp in New York
By Ugonma Ubani-Ebere The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant melted down in March 2011, and many families from that area, […]

Public schools to close for Muslim holiday
The Coalition for Muslim School Holidays rallied and petitioned for years for Muslim holiday inclusion in New York.

“Beat the Dean” raises awarness of prostate cancer through pushups
While some participated in the competition, others informed guests about prostate cancer, and what they or a loved one could do to prevent it.

CNN GOP Debate: Jeb Bush fights back
Republican candidate, Jeb Bush, did not take any mess from Donald Trump this time around.

Special Reports
14 Years Later: A sister’s story
Her sister would not give up, she insisted she leave, and that they meet at the McDonald's in the area. Gutierrez gave in and decided to leave the building.