News (Page 69)

New Yorkers Reflect on Trump’s 100 Days in Office
At his 100th day in office, President Trump has the lowest approval ratings of any modern president. In New York City, residents give President Trump mixed reviews.

George Washington Bridge haunted by suicides
On average, the bridge is the site of a suicide attempt every 3.5 days

Homeless and drug addicted
Jose Ramirez, 36, stands alongside the Trans-Manhattan Expressway in Washington Heights. Ramirez, a heroin addict, is among several thousand of […]

International Students Worry About Their Future Under Trump
Young international students are rethinking their place in America.

On the front line of the heroin epidemic in Washington Heights
Bailey has seen first-hand what a syringe program can do to improve the lives of drug users, having started his involvement in the Corner Project in 2006 as a homeless IV cocaine user.

Another Trump Protest at Washington Square Park
The Trump protests have become a staple of New York City life.

Kids Join Rally Against DeVos Confirmation
City Kids join the fight against Betsy DeVos.

Muslims react to immigration ban
The city's muslim community struggle with immigration ban.

Bay Ridge Residents Stand in Unity Against Trump’s Muslim Ban
The nationwide protests give Ellaithy comfort and hope.

Sense of urgency hits East Village protestors
President Trump’s opposition has a lot to protest about.