News (Page 84)

Catholic schools struggle to survive
The schools have seen a major decline in enrollment that has forced them to close.
Tackling child slavery in Haiti
Haiti ranks second on the 2013 Global Slavery Index of countries where human trafficking is an issue. Child slavery is a significant part of the problem.

East Harlem gas explosion victims are still waiting for more help
Displaced residents still waiting for aid.

Pre-K proposed expansion could help city kids close achievement gap
Wealth disparity among residents has been linked to gaps in academic achievement.

Ukrainian women taking a stand in NYC
Mariya Soroka, 25, is sitting outside a coffee shop in the East Village on a crisp, blue- skied Saturday afternoon.

NYU students protest sale of sweatshop apparel at NYU bookstore
The students staged the “die in” to highlight the many workers killed and injured in garment factory accidents.

Same-sex marriage debate heats up in the South
Mitchel and Myers moved to New York City they said because it was easier to live as an openly gay couple.

Aging with HIV
Patients with HIV and their physicians have a more complex challenge ahead as they treat HIV along with the typical illnesses that come with aging.

Group pushes for halal food in NYC schools
NYC schools don’t offer a certified halal food option.

Rally in memory of Trayvon Martin
February 26th marks the second anniversary of Trayvon Martin's death. Protestors rallied this week in an effort to demand justice for his death and others like him