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Live Blog

The Oscars

Watch/read our live blog of the 85th Academy Awards. Online now.


“Canstruction” helps Sandy victims and the needy

Creations have ranged from gravity defying beehives to spaceships, balloon dogs and enormous cupcakes made entirely of unopened food cans.


Low income Sandy victims still displaced

“Every day is a struggle..." one victim said.


City school bus strike causes hardship for parents

At 5:30 a.m. every morning, Zsuzsa Schuster wakes up her six-year-old son for school. She lives in Jackson Heights, but […]


Hoboken PATH station restores service after Sandy flooding

During the storm, over five feet of water burst through the elevator shaft and into the Hoboken PATH station, destroying underground electrical grids.

AudioSpecial Reports

African Americans at the Inauguration

Pavement Pieces reporter, Gabrielle Wright reports from Washington D.C.

Special ReportsVideo

President Obama’s second term begins

Hundred of thousands gather in Washington D.C to witness inauguration.

Special Reports

Corn, carrots and the Inauguration

For members of the anti-GMO Inauguration Day demonstration, the chance to spread the word about genetically modified foods to such a large group is what brought them to the Mall in protest.

Special Reports

Sound issues hurt Inauguration

Some in the audience booed as the screen briefly turned off, others couldn’t help but laugh at the sporadic transmission.

Special Reports

Obama’s Inauguration has fewer attendees, but optimism prevails

In the midst of a deep partisan divide in Congress, wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, Obama’s message of hope and promise for the country remain in tact.