Alyana Alfaro
A second life for movie industry trash
Film Biz Recycling that aims to find the best “second life” for items that would otherwise be discarded from the film, theater and production industries.
Chicken farming in New York City
Keeping chickens in the city is a “really reasonable way” for New Yorkers to take part in farming,' said chicken farmer Noah Leff.
With fracking decision looming, New Yorkers worry about water
The indecision on fracking is up for review.
Special Reports
Corn, carrots and the Inauguration
For members of the anti-GMO Inauguration Day demonstration, the chance to spread the word about genetically modified foods to such a large group is what brought them to the Mall in protest.

A growing number of “preppers” prepare for doomsday
They want ensure their safety in the event of a disaster situation, no matter how severe.
News•Special Reports
Still Occupying: CODEPINK
Some activists feel they have been directly impacted by this “war.”
News•Special Reports
Mixed emotions at 9/11 ceremony
For many 1 World Trade Center is not a welcomed sight.