Features (Page 58)
Women filmmakers overcome odds
Women make up only two percent of directors for the top grossing films.

“Good Hair” vs “Bad Hair”
Deciding the style for African American women’s crowning glory is an intimate, almost soul-searching process.

Pop Up Shops invade New York City
A unique marketing tool and a way to get up close with customers.

Young boxers fight to stay in school
The battle for a high school diploma is often a losing one.

Badass Brooklyn shelter saves southern dogs lives
These dogs aren’t curling up on couches with family members. They’re not sleeping in warm doggy beds, cradling dessert bones. […]

Chinese students buy in the US, but sell in China to support themselves
The Chinese government imposes tariffs on certain imported goods, so the retail prices are much higher in China than here. Some e students saw the opportunity and buy goods here and sell them to China at a markup.

Learning the art of burlesque
To help the women loosen up she encourages students to wear lingerie and heals during the class.

Fashion Technology in NYC
New York is one of the most fashionable and technologically savvy cities in the world. And now we’re seeing the […]

Drones in New York City
Pilotage, a Midtown Manhattan hobby shop sells off the shelf models like this one daily as drones have become more […]

Morning bootcamps create bonds in big city
Smiles and anguish as The Rise members hold a wall sit in unison. Photo Credit: Ben Shapiro On top of […]