Multimedia (Page 45)

On the front line of the heroin epidemic in Washington Heights
Bailey has seen first-hand what a syringe program can do to improve the lives of drug users, having started his involvement in the Corner Project in 2006 as a homeless IV cocaine user.

Kids Join Rally Against DeVos Confirmation
City Kids join the fight against Betsy DeVos.

New Yorkers protest DeVos
New Yorkers protest the confirmation of Education Secretary nominee Betsy DeVos

Uber is the latest target of Trump protestors
#DeleteUber is trending on Twitter.

Immigrants join protest at JFK
Concerned New Yorkers gathered at JFK International Airport’s Terminal 4 to protest President Trump’s executive order that barred entry into […]

Sikh Captain America Fights Hate
Vishavjit Singh is using cartoon and performance to fight bigotry aimed at the Sikh community.

Muslim Women Come Together to Combat Hate
In the basement of Judson Memorial Church, in Greenwich Village, women from all of New York City’s five boroughs gathered to participate in the Muslim Community Network’s Self defense class. They come together to fight back against a hostile political climate.

Memories of Life in Cuba
These men came to America with nothing except an idea. They left their families, friends and the few things they owned for freedom. They came for a chance to work, earn and build a better life.

College March Empowers First Generation Students
This year, over 2,700 seniors will march at 35 schools across 12 cities.

Williamsburg, Brooklyn: The Way it Was
Hip Williamsburg used to be an Italian haven.