News (Page 24)

Some Latinos feel the pressure of four more years of Trump
Even with the lack of popularity Trump has in the Latino community, there are still those who are supporting him.

Special Report: In Our Backyard
Crown Heights – Franklin Avenue
Episode 1. Crown Heights activists fight for sunlight, fear gentrification despite lack of affordable housing,

Special Report: In Our Backyard
Soho -Elizabeth Street Garden
Episode 2: Treasured green space vs affordable housing for seniors

Special Report: In Our Backyard
Sunset Park-Industry City
Episode 3: Developers believe the rezoning will bring new jobs, while residents fear those new opportunities will attract wealthier households and displace a part of Brooklyn many hold dear.

Special Report: In Our Backyard
Episode 4: The Inwood rezoning has faced community scrutiny and legal challenge since it was proposed in 2018, and its future remains uncertain.

Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus
On the heels of revelation that Trump downplayed the covid threat, voters question rallies resuming
The widening schism between Trump supporters and non-Trump supporters is all too apparent in recent times, especially as they relate to his recent rallies.

Black men, despite political and religious views, feel pain of racism and cling to hope
“Taking care of myself is in itself an act of resistance.”

Asian Americans struggle to find their place in a Black and white world
When the murder of George Floyd inspired nationwide protests over the summer Asian Americans felt a call to action that overrode cultural norms that discourage complaining and speaking out.

Memories of stop and frisk, racial profiling and microaggressions drive activists to protest
As a black woman in America she said she is in constant danger of a police encounter that could go wrong.
Hope in the midst of racism
The disproportionate police brutality rates show that the shards of racial inequality remain firmly rooted in the U.S