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Special Report: New Hampshire Primary 2020
Stephanie McClellan for Joe Biden
Dr. Stephanie McClellan gave up two jobs to volunteer for the Biden campaign. On Saturday, she and her husband traveled from Philadelphia to New Hampshire to support the Biden campaign in the days leading up to the primaries.

Special Report: New Hampshire Primary 2020
New Hampshire is booming for women engaging in politics
New Hampshire has more women involved in politics than any other state.

Special Report: New Hampshire Primary 2020
New Hampshire residents split on which candidate will attack the state’s deadly opioid crisis.
New Hampshire has consistently been in the top five states with the highest rates for opioid deaths for the last four years.

Special Report: New Hampshire Primary 2020
Immigrant voters in New Hampshire gear up for the primaries
Watch on Vimeo Video by Bessie Liu Story by Amanda Perez Pintado Blankets of snow covered the desolate sidewalks on […]

Special Report: New Hampshire Primary 2020
An international look at the New Hampshire Primary
Three international students visit the state the hosts the nation's first primary.

Special Report: New Hampshire Primary 2020
Vermin Supreme promises free ponies for all if elected president
Vermin Supreme rallies his fringe presidency in New Hampshire.

Special Report: New Hampshire Primary 2020
Democrats have a plan for the Opioid Crisis. Yet Trump tells the story many Americans want to hear
A total of 67,367 people died from drug overdoses in 2018, according to the Center For Disease Control And Prevention. That same year, New Hampshire had an age-adjusted rate of 35.8 deaths per 100,000 persons, close to double the national average of 20.7.

Special Report: New Hampshire Primary 2020
Physicians’ donations shift to Democrats, biotech money supports GOP in the primaries
A Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) survey shows 85% of Americans are in favor of the government doing more to help provide health insurance.

Special Report: New Hampshire Primary 2020
Thriving while Sober in A Drug Crippled Industry
New Hampshire is in the midst of an addiction crisis that is now a front-and-center issue in the Democratic primary here.

Special Report: New Hampshire Primary 2020
Democratic Primary Boosts Business for Manchester and Nashua Establishments
Every four years, when the primary campaigns come to New Hampshire, that economic activity spikes even more.