News (Page 90)
Special Report: Election 2012
Local politicians court city’s Arab-American vote
The Arab American Institute estimates the Arab-American population has grown to 3.6 million nationwide, with 450,000 in New York State. Only California has more.
Special Report: Election 2012
Voices outside of the Hofstra Presidential Debate
Protestors and watchers ask the questions they want answered by the candidates.
Seniors show their support of Obamacare
A small coalition of seniors and community group members rallied in Manhattan's Garment District in opposition to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's plans to repeal Obamacare.
Legal panel discusses the plight of Pussy Riot
Several hundred students, professors, and activists gathered to hear the attorneys in a candid discussion about the plight of the Russian band members who were imprisoned after they gave a performance to protest the reelection of Russian president, Vladimir Putin.
Waiting in line for iPhone 5 becomes PR stunt
For the brave, passionate, and possibly foolhardy, waiting in line for the new Apple iPhone 5, which goes on sale […]

Fire safety code task force aims to prevent tragedies.
Task Force’s report lists at least 20 recommendations for state buildings and projects in New York City, but ultimately the goal is to have all buildings in New York City under the same fire code regulations.
Health practitioners and city council members push for paid sick time
According to the Women’s Institute for Policy Research, almost half of all working New Yorkers (1.58 million) do not have access to paid sick leave.
News•Special Reports
Still Occupying: Arrested once, but still not afraid to fight
The danger of arrest might have been present again this morning, but Rachel Smith made it clear she was in the OWS movement for the long haul.
Still Occupying: Discontent with Obama fills OWS
Ahead of the November presidential elections, protestors gathered for a day of action Monday morning in Manhattan’s Financial District in […]
News•Special Reports
Still Occupying: CODEPINK
Some activists feel they have been directly impacted by this “war.”