
Politics (Page 22)

Special Report: Election 2012

Minnesotans reject amendment to ban same-sex marriage

Hours after Colorado had legalized marijuana and three other states had approved same-sex marriages, Minnesotans watched as fractions of percentages ticked upward and downward for each county’s vote tally on a constitutional amendment proposed to ban same-sex marriage in the state.

Special Report: Election 2012

Divided Electorate Votes to Give Obama More Time

A divided electorate voted to give President Obama more time to continue the agenda he began four years ago, despite a fragile economy, rancor over his signature health care overhaul, and a partisan Congress continually at odds.

Special Report: Election 2012

How GenY Voted

Did GenY turn out in record numbers?

Special Report: Election 2012

North Carolina: Amendment One and the Black Vote

Black voters in North Carolina greatly influence the outcome of the presidential election as well as the fate of same sex marriage in the state.

Special Report: Election 2012

Swing state students debate: absentee ballot or register at school?

This choice brings to mind something a politically charged Dr. Seuss would say, “One state, two state, red state, blue state.”

Special Report: Election 2012

What’ll it Be, Mr. President?

The Gateway Breakfast House in Portland has a wide range of belly-busting and classic American offerings, among them the cheesy […]

Special Report: Election 2012

Stand By Your Man

What effect do presidential wives have on voters?

Special Report: Election 2012

Third party candidates: A long shot worth taking?

Who are the third party candidates and how do you not know about them if they are running for president of the United States?

Special Report: Election 2012

Colia Clark, Green Party candidate for Senate, Strives for Change

Colia Clark is running on what she calls “a freedom agenda for the 21st century” founded on “educating, organizing, rabble-rousing.”

Special Report: Election 2012

Hydrofracking Becomes Issue in State Senate Race

Protecting the environment is at the core of Wagner’s campaign