Politics (Page 25)
Special Report: Election 2012
Technology challenges privacy during election campaigns
It may be too soon to declare the death of privacy at the hands of technology, but candidates must be increasingly cautious about what they say even in what seem to be private settings.
Special Report: Election 2012
US foreign policy success in Burma overshadowed in election
The meeting of Burma’s former dissident Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President Barack Obama at the White House in September marked a success in U.S. foreign policy, but one that has been overshadowed by Middle East crises during the election campaign.
Special Report: Election 2012
NYU students hustle to get the vote out
In a tight election this year, both Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney are targeting younger voters.
Special Report: Election 2012
The “Moho” Vote
Whichever way they vote, gay Mormons have been emerging more recently as a vocal force within the Mormon community.
Special Report: Election 2012
‘Stamp Stampede’ at Union Square
The Stamp Stampede and its mini-marathon (12 hours of stamping cash) were conceived by Cohen with a campaign finance reform initiative in mind.
Special Report: Election 2012
Home call centers foster camaraderie among volunteers
Wolfsthal's apartment bell started ringing as early as 6:15 p.m. and scarcely stopped for the next 20 minutes. The host planted nosh around the apartment; nuts, grapes, cookies, cheese, crackers.
Special Report: Election 2012
Voices outside of the Hofstra Presidential Debate
Protestors and watchers ask the questions they want answered by the candidates.
Live Blog•Politics
First 2012 Presidential Debate
Live blog of the first presidential debate by the staff of Pavement Pieces. Editors: Alex Jung. Courtney Pence, Alaia Howell. Reporters: Jordyn Taylor, Breana Jones, Gabrielle Wright, Timothy Weisberg, Sarah Fournier,Daniella Silva, Alyana Alfaro, Mary Zarikos, Jia Guo, Alex Reali, Natalie Triplett
Still Occupying: Discontent with Obama fills OWS
Ahead of the November presidential elections, protestors gathered for a day of action Monday morning in Manhattan’s Financial District in […]
Occupy Wall Street protest continues to grow in face of arrests
Occupy Wall Street movement is growing in New York City and across the world.