
Full Archive (Page 215)


Boutique offers clothing, training, hope

Bottomless Closet is a non-profit organization that helps disadvantaged women in New York and other cities with interview skills, career development and, most importantly, clothes.


Stimulus Boost for AIDS Organizations

Housing Works is one of many nonprofit organizations for HIV/AIDS care around the country that are managing to tentatively ride out the economic crisis before the arrival of the economic stimulus package. Their second-hand bookstore in New York City’s SoHo area is a hot draw for lovers of inexpensive literature and has served as their own mini-bailout.


No Gluts, No Glory

Call it sport or entertainment, competitive eating isn't for the weak-stomached.


Recession Hits the Rectory

Since 2005, St. Andrews Anglican Church in the wealthy historic district of downtown Easton, Md., hosted family movie night and […]


Teach for America Yields Mixed Results for Eager Grads

Even in the best of times, college seniors have to arm themselves with parent-ready responses to the stinging question: “What’s […]


Recession keeps dentist’s chair full

Despite economic slowdown, the recession is actually giving dentistry a boost.


Brooklyn student is spelling bee champ

With the soundtrack of Rocky V ringing in his ears, Thomas Harkins became the hero of New York City’s Hunter […]


National Pig Day

[flv:https://pavementpieces.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/pig.flv 320 240] Central Park Zoo’s pot-bellied pigs, Otis and Oliver, were not the only ones hamming it up on […]


Budget cuts hurt after-school programs

PS 64 receives funding from both the city and the state, but this past year, the program lost its state funding from the 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC).and as a result, the program lost of 80 of its 120 students and 21 of its 30 staff members.


Who is chasing Harry Winston?

At a time when the world’s largest banks are folding and the unemployment rate is climbing to new heights, who’s shopping for engagement rings that cost as much as $15,000? Plenty of people, according to Harry Winston representatives.