
Nolita church and business targeted by pro-choice activists
The goal was to stop Tommy Tours from working with the Basilica of St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral in Nolita, a church that holds a monthly “witness for life” mass followed by a march to a nearby Planned Parenthood where they sing and pray against abortion.

Pro-choice activists aim to shut down church’s tour business
NYC Abortion Rights, a grassroots coalition which defends reproductive rights, claims that ever month over 200 church members heckle patients entering a nearby Planned Parenthood, located at 26 Bleecker Street.

Pro-Choice activists protest cathedral that holds “anti-abortion mass”
The first Saturday of every month, the Basilica of St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral holds a Witness for Life mass that is followed by a procession to the clinic.

Abortion fight will continue in NYS despite new reproductive law
Edward Mechmann, Director of Public Policy at the Archdiocese of New York, was the keynote speaker at Human Life Review’s […]

Pro-life and pro-choice protests escalates in New York City
Every first Saturday of a month, a group of pro-life protesters and church members of Old St. Patrick’s Cathedral head to Planned Parenthood on Mulberry St. to protest abortions. Now pro-choice activists are holding their own counter protests.
Anti-abortion groups target African-Americans
Billboards are part of a national campaign to deter Africans-Americans from having an abortion.
New legislation targets crisis pregnancy centers
EMC and other pregnancy services centers like it have become the focus of a controversial piece of legislation passed March 2 by the New York City Council.