Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus
Trump’s press briefings may be on their way out
Instead he went Twitter, he went on to question the validity of press briefings, attacking the media for their “hostile questions” and news coverage.

Special Report: Shutdown: The Coronavirus
Trump cuts press conference short
Neither President Trump nor Vice-President Pence accepted any questions from reporters.

New Yorkers reflect on a year of Trump
For the first time in American history, U.S. politics has been dictated by a president’s appetite to tweet.

Live Blog•News
Twitter creates presidential debate comedy
The 3rd debate of the 2016 election brought out the wannabe comedian in everyone.
Social media helps to spread global news on abuse of women
Social media is increasingly being used as a tool in highlighting issues of women from the developing world.
Occupy Wall Street schedules city wide march to “shut down” Wall Street
Bold,flyers are being spread on twitter, urging the community to “Occupy Every Block.”
Broadway shows expand audiences via social media
Broadway shows "The Book of Mormon” and “Chicago” use social media to appeal to theater lovers and broaden their audience.