Razi Syed

Wrongly convicted getting a second chance at life
But the road to recovery, after decades in prison, is hard.

George Washington Bridge haunted by suicides
On average, the bridge is the site of a suicide attempt every 3.5 days

Homeless and drug addicted
Jose Ramirez, 36, stands alongside the Trans-Manhattan Expressway in Washington Heights. Ramirez, a heroin addict, is among several thousand of […]

On the front line of the heroin epidemic in Washington Heights
Bailey has seen first-hand what a syringe program can do to improve the lives of drug users, having started his involvement in the Corner Project in 2006 as a homeless IV cocaine user.

New Yorkers share hopes, fears at anti-Trump art installation
Since Trump was inaugurated, 11 days ago, performance artists Shia LaBeouf, Nastja Säde Rönkkö and Luke Turner have asked members of the public to stand in front of the text and chant, ‘he will not divide us,’ for as long as they wish. A mounted camera, located just below the text, livestreams the activity at hewillnotdivide.us

NYC Muslims cope with spike in hate crimes following presidential election
New York City may be a multicultural melting pot with residents coming from all corners of the world, but it hasn’t been immune from attacks on Muslims.

Features•Special Reports
NYC Marathon: Waiting for Dad
Morales has traveled with his father around the world to run in marathons. He said standing among the crowd and encouraging his father as he ran was the most enjoyable part of the race.

Live Blog•News
Another nasty presidential debate
After Donald Trump threatened to prosecute his opponent and Hillary Clinton seized on a vulgar taped conversation Trump had to make her case against him during the second debate, the final debate was bound to get tumultuous.

Hundreds march to close Rikers Island
The prison currently houses roughly 8,000 people, the majority of whom are Black or Latino.

War, censorship explored at Brooklyn Book Festival
The Brooklyn Book Festival, which has been held annually since 2006.