Rebeca Corleto

#MissingDCGirls exposes lack of attention on missing girls and women of color
The viral hashtag was false but a disproportionate amount of women and girls of color go missing each year. And it's under reported.
Niche Books Help Independent Booksellers Stay Open
Niche is the key for independent booksellers.

Sense of urgency hits East Village protestors
President Trump’s opposition has a lot to protest about.

Low inauguration turnout, but Trump supporters don’t care
Though the crowd was unimpressive in number, that didn’t detract from the excitement his supporters felt on the first day of his presidency.

Features•Special Reports
NYC Marathon: Running in memory of loved ones
Roman’s spirit is strong. Even after completing the longest run of her life, she had no intention of resting tonight.

NY People: Kyle Fox, park therapist
Kyle Fox sits in Washington Square Park and listens to people's stories.

Live Blog•News
Twitter creates presidential debate comedy
The 3rd debate of the 2016 election brought out the wannabe comedian in everyone.

A second chance for formerly incarcerated women
The WPA helps women reunite with their children, find employment, and reestablish themselves after leaving the criminal justice system.

Chelsea explosion turns salon into makeshift first aid station
As people ran up the street, some took cover in the salon.

Features•News•Special Reports
Selfies, tourists and memories of 9/11
Watch the crowd gathered at the 9/11 memorial site and you will see markers of people in service: t-shirts with the names of the fallen beneath the words, “Never Forget”, badges and pins indicating ranks, ladder numbers, and squads.