News (Page 82)

Ferguson protest in Union Square
Shortly after Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson was not indicted for the murder of unarmed teenager Michael Brown, hundreds of protestors gathered in Union Square to voice their anger at the grand jury decision.

Alma Realty’s Brooklyn tenants protest against proposed rent hikes
Brooklyn borough president Eric Adams at a rally against proposed rent hikes at the Jewish Hospital Crown Heights apartment complex. […]

New phone app designed to fight anti-Semitism on college campuses
Students can describe the event, or even post videos and audio links of what occurred.

Upper East Siders want to “dump the dump”
Upper East Side residents hold up signs in protest of the 91st Marine Transfer Station, the only dump being constructed […]

A community victory in Loisaida
A sign supporting the return of the CHARAS community center to the people of the Lower East Side. Photo Credit […]

Undocumented teens demonstrate for immigration reform
The issue in question was immigration reform.

After climate march supporters gather at block party
They told the stories of the communities struggling with the effects of climate change.

Climate change protest draws hundreds of thousands
by Stacey Kilpatrick Dubbed “the largest climate march in history,” more than 400,000 people marched for climate change awareness today, […]

Demonstrators plead for Lyme disease awareness
Lyme disease advocates want to put pressure on the media to give the disease the attention it deserves.

Border children rarely have a happy ending
Lack of understanding their legal rights causes more despair.