Special Reports (Page 12)

News•Special Reports
On 9/11: Bringing the message to children
Hate is what these men say they want to help children deal with.

News•Special Reports
On 9/11: Difficult conversations with children
Lori Crotty, 53, from Summit, NJ visited the 9/11 Memorial to commemorate the death of her husband on the attack. […]

News•Special Reports
On 9/11: Witnesses remember
“Sometimes you have to get knocked down to realize what it means to get back up again.”

News•Special Reports
On 9/11: Motorcycles roar through the streets to honor fallen
“Never forget those souls.”

News•Special Reports
On 9/11: A pub is filled with joy in remembrance
A place to come back to each year to honor and remember, but also to celebrate life

Special Reports
NYC Marathon: The last runners
“New York is the crème de la crème of the marathons, I’ve always loved coming up here,” said Dale-Pierce proudly beaming.

Special Reports
NYC Marathon: Back to tradition on the Upper East Side
As a symbol of support, the Boston Marathon’s yellow line ran alongside the familiar blue line that guides runners along their trek in New York.

Special Reports
NYC Marathon: No fear of danger, but extra security a hassle at finish line
The bombing at the Boston Marathon and any thoughts of danger were no deterrent to participating in today's event.

Special Reports
NYC Marathon: Resilience in the Bronx
Security in New York was high today, with unprecedented precautionary measures.

Special Reports
NYC Marathon: The Lesbian and Gay Big Apple Corps Marching Band energizes runners
This is the first time the LGBAC is performing at the marathon.