Full Archive (Page 22)

Small business encourage waste reduction in New York
During the pandemic, cities across the United States noticed an increase of trash being thrown away, and New York was no exception.

Stephenie has lived at this spot next to a CVS pharmacy at 8th Street and University Place in Manhattan.

Inflation headaches continue to rock the city
Food price, one of the main drivers of inflation, has been rising exponentially since the pandemic started.

Not playing by the rules
“Chess is the only outlet I got,

First, let me take a selfie
Smartphones are everywhere

The unreachable beauty standards of social media hurts young people
"They compare their full life to someone else's highlight reel."

New York City gears up for Christmas despite new variant fears
With the holiday season already in full swing, city officials anticipate many tourists will be visiting the city, despite Covid’s new variant, Omicron.

A deadly year for trans people
Black trans women and trans women of color have been especially vulnerable.

Rats are thriving in New York City
New York also ranked as the third rattiest city in America for a second year in a row after Chicago and Los Angeles.

Special Report: Reporting Black America
Black photographer’s work reveals the power and beauty of Blackness
His models hold their heads high, often looking down the barrel of the lens, their faces stoic, powerful.