
Special Report: New Hampshire Primary 2020
Immigrant voters in New Hampshire gear up for the primaries
Watch on Vimeo Video by Bessie Liu Story by Amanda Perez Pintado Blankets of snow covered the desolate sidewalks on […]

Special Report: New Hampshire Primary 2020
Who Has the Immigrant Vote in the New Hampshire Primary?
Among the enthusiastic campaign followers braving the cold were immigrants for whom American elections hold special appeal.

Protestors march for immigrant rights fighter who faces deportation
#IStandWithRavi signs are popular amid the crowd gathered outside the US Customs Court and Federal Building Monday morning. They were […]

Mental health problems haunt the undocumented
According to the American Psychological Association, undocumented immigrants can experience depression and anxiety when migrating. They struggle with traumas like the fear of deportation, the effects of racial profiling, and the lack of social support. Without access to mental health services - they're left to cope on their own.

College March Empowers First Generation Students
This year, over 2,700 seniors will march at 35 schools across 12 cities.

Poorest of Chinese immigrants live in tiny cubicles
No private bathroom, no kitchen and no stove make daily life very hard

Language is election issue in New York Russian-speaking district
More than half of the Russian population cannot be considered fluent in English.
Filipino restaurants thrive in secret
With all the sushi bars, Chinese dim sum joints and Korean BBQ grills in New York City, some Asian cuisines have yet to proclaim themselves beyond the immigrant enclaves.
Some immigrant cab drivers left professional careers in their native land
There are 42,000 taxi cab drivers in New York City. Eighty-two percent of them were born in foreign countries. Some of the have higher education degrees in their native countries.
Push for English signs in Flushing’s Chinatown divides Asian community
Sixty percent of the signs should be in English.