News (Page 70)

A Muslim NYC Cab driver digests the immigration ban
Listen to an an NYC yellow cab driver who is a Muslim immigrant grapple with his developing view of what life in America is becoming for him and his family.

A Mexican business owner remembers her journey and worries about her future
A Mexican business owner lives in fear of Trump.

New Yorkers share hopes, fears at anti-Trump art installation
Since Trump was inaugurated, 11 days ago, performance artists Shia LaBeouf, Nastja Säde Rönkkö and Luke Turner have asked members of the public to stand in front of the text and chant, ‘he will not divide us,’ for as long as they wish. A mounted camera, located just below the text, livestreams the activity at

New Yorkers protest DeVos
New Yorkers protest the confirmation of Education Secretary nominee Betsy DeVos

Students rally against immigration ban
For many, what they wanted to result from the rallies and the protests was clear.

Uber is the latest target of Trump protestors
#DeleteUber is trending on Twitter.

Medical students protest to save Obamacare
Medical students skip class to protest the repeal of Obamacare in front of the Fox News building in Midtown, Manhattan. […]

Protests are becoming the new normal
Amid loud chants of "Dump Trump", protesters chatted excitedly with their neighbors. They complimented each other's signs. They munched side by side on free vegan donuts being passed around.

Immigrants join protest at JFK
Concerned New Yorkers gathered at JFK International Airport’s Terminal 4 to protest President Trump’s executive order that barred entry into […]

Low inauguration turnout, but Trump supporters don’t care
Though the crowd was unimpressive in number, that didn’t detract from the excitement his supporters felt on the first day of his presidency.