
Special Reports (Page 15)

Special ReportsVideo

Inauguration souvenirs

Vendors sell an assortment of knick knacks at the Inauguration.

Special Reports

Still Occupying: One year later OWS hits the streets again

Protestors waved banners, played music, and danced in the street. Over 150 people were arrested.

Special Reports

Still Occupying: “God is with the Poor”

Occupy Faith makes a strong showing at OWS one year anniversary demonstration.

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Still Occupying: Whose Street? Our Street

Occupy Wall Street hits the streets again to demonstrate for their one anniversary.

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Still Occupying: Arrested once, but still not afraid to fight

The danger of arrest might have been present again this morning, but Rachel Smith made it clear she was in the OWS movement for the long haul.

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Still Occupying: CODEPINK

Some activists feel they have been directly impacted by this “war.”

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Still Occupying: Police Occupy Wall Street

What was intended to be an act of civil disobedience turned into a cat-and-mouse chase with police, who prevented protestors from being able to occupy anything.

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Still Occupying: OWS not just a youth movement

By 7:09 a.m. Bill Steyert, 69, had been arrested for blocking traffic.

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Thousands pause to remember 9/11 victims

Yesterday marked the 11th anniversary of the terrorist attacks that killed over 3000 and changed the New York City landscape forever.

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Mixed emotions at 9/11 ceremony

For many 1 World Trade Center is not a welcomed sight.