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Rabbis Rally for Immigrants
The protest took place on the start of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot which symbolizes vulnerability.

Thousands rally against racial injustice
Under the banner of “racial justice,” demonstrators drew connections between the struggles faced by people of color locally in New York City and the actions of the federal government, especially those of the last week.

Bronx Latinos support Puerto Rican and Mexican disaster victims
Southern Boulevard was filled with donations.

NYC Puerto Ricans’ frustrations mount in wake of destruction
The state of New York is home to over a million people who identify as Puerto Rican, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the largest number in any state.

Frustrations grow over “slow” response to Hurricane Maria
The fractured commonwealth’s economy is estimated to have pay between $30 billion to $95 billion in damages associated with Hurricane Maria.

NYC Puerto Ricans protest to get help for victims of Hurricane Maria
Protestors marching for Puerto Rico outside of the Jacob K. Javits Federal Building yesterday. Photo by Monay Robinson Protesters gathered outside […]

East Harlem residents protest planned rezoning
Protesters with the group Movement for Justice in El Barrio hold signs protesting the mayor’s plan to rezone East Harlem. […]

NYC City Council “Kneel In”
The group of about 15 city officials joined together to display unity against the president’s tweets.

A block party showcases possibilities for women after incarceration
Visitors at The Women’s Building Block Party yesterday wrote their visions for the new Women’s Building. Responses read, “Liberation!” “Justice!” […]

Using exercise to promote mental health
The bike rides began two years ago.