
Full Archive (Page 119)


Low inauguration turnout, but Trump supporters don’t care

Though the crowd was unimpressive in number, that didn’t detract from the excitement his supporters felt on the first day of his presidency.


Supporters and protesters witness the inauguration of Donald Trump

As the crowds walked onto the Washington Monument lawn, one of the giant screen viewing areas, small groups of people began to chant “Trump, Trump, Trump!” But protestors came to watch the swearing in of the controversial 45th president too.


Sikh Captain America Fights Hate

Vishavjit Singh is using cartoon and performance to fight bigotry aimed at the Sikh community.


Muslim Women Come Together to Combat Hate

In the basement of Judson Memorial Church, in Greenwich Village, women from all of New York City’s five boroughs gathered to participate in the Muslim Community Network’s Self defense class. They come together to fight back against a hostile political climate.


NYC Muslims cope with spike in hate crimes following presidential election

New York City may be a multicultural melting pot with residents coming from all corners of the world, but it hasn’t been immune from attacks on Muslims.


Memories of Life in Cuba

These men came to America with nothing except an idea. They left their families, friends and the few things they owned for freedom. They came for a chance to work, earn and build a better life.


Cheaper alternative medications gives modern meds competition

Acupuncture and herbs is preferred by some over Tylenol and other medications.


Life after a wrongful conviction

Jeffrey Deskovic is one of 1,934 of the wrongly convicted who have been released from prison. Rebuiliding his life is hard.


Dyker Heights serves up a very bright Christmas

Many homes participate in the neighborhood Christmas decorating tradition, but some take it over the top.


College March Empowers First Generation Students

This year, over 2,700 seniors will march at 35 schools across 12 cities.