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Special Report: Election 2012

What’ll it Be, Mr. President?

The Gateway Breakfast House in Portland has a wide range of belly-busting and classic American offerings, among them the cheesy […]

Special Report: Election 2012

Stand By Your Man

What effect do presidential wives have on voters?

Special Report: Election 2012

Third party candidates: A long shot worth taking?

Who are the third party candidates and how do you not know about them if they are running for president of the United States?

Special Report: Election 2012

Colia Clark, Green Party candidate for Senate, Strives for Change

Colia Clark is running on what she calls “a freedom agenda for the 21st century” founded on “educating, organizing, rabble-rousing.”

Special Report: Election 2012

Hydrofracking Becomes Issue in State Senate Race

Protecting the environment is at the core of Wagner’s campaign

Special Report: Election 2012

A Warzone of Harassing Comments

“I was told, basically, that I was stupid and that I just believed what religion shoved down my throat.”

Special Report: Election 2012

Harnessing the Youth Vote in 2012

About 17 million young adults are eligible to vote for the first time in the presidential election.


Displacement in Staten Island worries potential voters

Voting in Staten Island after megastorm Sandy could be difficult for some residents.

Special Report: Election 2012

From Assembly to Congress?

Grace Meng is running to become the first Asian American elected to Congress from New York this November

Special Report: Election 2012

A group of New Yorkers canvas in Philadelphia

At 8:25 a.m., the volunteers left The Goodwin, stopped at the Obama for America headquarters uptown to cram empty seats with more volunteers, and then headed off.